FJMC (Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs) is the international umbrella organization for a confederation of more than 270 men’s auxiliaries serving 25,000 men throughout 16 regions of the United States and Canada.
Also included is a recently formed International Region consisting of a club in India (Magen David Synagogue, Mumbai India) and Chile (Centro Comunitaro B’nai Israel, Santiago, Chile).
Although our chapters are concentrated in North America, the influence of FJMC’s programs and contributions is felt worldwide.
FJMC’s mission is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life, but our influence goes far beyond men in the Conservative/Masorti Movement.
Our programs have a profound impact on our congregations, our youth, and world Jewry. When you consider the indirect impact of our Shomrei Ha’aretz environmental programs, all of humanity.
At the May, 2013 Region Officer Installation, incoming President Michael Greenberg presented the Region Vision and Goals for the next two years. These are summarized below:
“Stimulate Growth through Engagement and Key Initiatives”
- New Brand & Image, Attitude and Initiatives that enhance it.
- Change Agent mentality.
- Stimulate Club Leadership to grow their clubs through one on one personal contact with membership. Entice them through innovative initiatives that capture members hearts and souls.
Region Board members are change agents. We stimulate leadership to innovate initiatives . We lead by example such as.
- Offering VALUE to Clubs and Community, new and improved programs with <50y.o. Man demographic emphasis. .
- Not trying to do too much – stay FOCUSED on 3-4 major goals
- ATTENDING CLUB EVENTS advocating the Vision and offering help, not dictating.
Filling voids in the community with New and Improved Initiatives run by Region that engage younger Men (<50y.o) and promote health and wellness
The specific goals to achieve the vision are captured in this link:
and the Greenberg acceptance speech captured in this link: